Munhong is the typical jack of all trades, master of none (yet). He has a passion in providing financial literacy in its simplest form for all to understand. Coming from a thrifty background, Munhong believes in getting the best deal and making our monies work for us.

Munhong believes that often times we do not pursue what we love because of financial setbacks. Hence, by being financially free, he believes that we are liberated to pursue our passions and personal giftings in life. He believes that everyone is blessed with a purpose and destiny that will be fulfilling for oneself while also benefiting others. Not living that out would only lead to an incomplete life. 

Aside from personal finance, Munhong is also an avid sports/fitness freak and wishes to some day do the handstand, muscle up, and flag like all those calisthenic folks. He balances out working out hard and eating hard right after, usually a good banana leaf treat with extra crab curry. Maybe that’s why he still can’t do a handstand. Perhaps he should start writing on personal fitness as well. 

With all that said, the mission of this website is to provide educational yet enjoyable bite-size content for the betterment of the readers. Munhong hopes that you’ll be inspired, blessed and refreshed by the content herein.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. – Proverbs 11:25